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Welcome to Enrich, the home of online social marketing learning. We have been working with partners from all around the world to create courses that share best practice and learnings from a variety of social marketers.

These courses have been designed for an online environment, with participants from all continents, and incorporate student-paced and tutor-paced learning, allowing students and teachers alike to work and learn at a pace that suits them.


If you are interested in bringing your social marketing and behaviour change course online, we’d love to talk! Please get in touch via and we’ll arrange a quick chat to explore how to take your course online.

How does it work?

Ah, the greatest answer to the big questions... we'll try and keep some succint FAQ's in this area! Once you make contact, we will have an open discussion about how your course content and ideas can be digitised to work online; this will include exploring how you want students to progress from one module to the next, course pacing, how assessments should look, and advice around interactive elements of your course.

What about fees?

How do we want to discuss this on the website? We will presumably want to quote an initial configuration fee, as well as an ongoing course hosting and maintenance charge.